
"Designing a System to Deal with Gym Frustration"

People in modern society, who are highly interested in their fitness and appearance, usually start exercise at the gym because it's convenient and affordable. However, many beginners are frustrated by the gym for many reasons. In this project, I will figure out difficulties that gym users experience and make a good user experience that helps them achieve their goals.

Client Course
Interaction Design(VCDE 723)

Timeline / Year 
4 month / 2019

Workout & Fitness

Role: Personal Project
Research,  Illustration, Visual Design, Animation

Figma, Illustrator, Principle, After Effects, Premiere



 It is difficult for a beginner to use the gym effectively and continuously without a personal trainer.


Create the app for smart devices to provide a personalized plan, detailed tutorial and useful record.

Key Insights

Most people use their mobile devices just for listening to music during exercise. How can users actively use a mobile device as a fitness manager in the gym?

There is a lot of useful fitness equipment in the gym but users don’t know what to use first, how to use it properly. How can users take advantage of gym machines? 

Many users don’t have a personal trainer that costs much so they quit exercise because of a lack of motivation. How to motivate and encourage users to achieve their fitness goals in a cost-effective way?


" Help beginners to take advantage of the gym and achieve their goals "

Asset 2


Do not disturb the user’s workout by unnecessary distraction and complex tutorials.

Asset 6


Offer practical information and function in order that the user can learn to use the gym effectively.

Asset 7


Give continuous motivation and feasible goals to the user until they achieve goals

User Story

Fittney is designed for the gym beginner who doesn't have a trainer. Users of the Fittney are divided into three groups below. Fittney smartphone app particularly focused on shy users.


Enthusiastic User

As a musical singer who wants to get in good shape, I want to know the proper weight at my level and track my record so that I can move forward.


Inactive User

I’m a college student and not a big fan of exercise but I want to exercise regularly for my health. I need something to push me so that I can go to the gym regularly.


Shy User

 I always overwhelmed whenever I go to the gym. I want to get a good schedule and tutorial so that I don’t need to wander around or ask for help from someone at the gym.

Smart phone

Fittney smart phone app is designed for all gym biginners and especially for shy users. It helps user not to wander around gym or ask question to stranger providing realistic goal and schedule.


←swipe the page→

Encouraging Goal
The app provides users the best goal and schedule at the gym without a personal trainer. Users also freely customize exercise list according to their condition.

Useful Tutorial
Animated tutorial with simple graphics and weight guide help users take maximum advantage of the gym.

Simple Interface
The simple and vivid interface of the timer helps users not to be distracted during the exercise.

Interactive Process
Users can check results and give intensity feedback after each exercise ends. In this way, users can be engaged and motivated to exercise.


Fittney for Smartwatch focuses on enthusiastic users who already know how to use the gym well and don't want to be distracted by a smartphone. Fittney helps them to support their effective exercise and get a meaningful record at the gym.

Exercise List


Workout Summary

Smart TV

Fittney for Smart TV (Fittney Home) is designed for inactive users who like to stay home so usually miss the gym schedule. Fittney Home helps them to do makeup exercise by providing workout videos.

Today's Exercise

Workout Video

Workout Summary

Mood Board

I had two visual explorations and picked one direction named Evening Meditation. I was inspired by vivid cool tone gradient on the dark background. This will make users concentrate on the workout better and give visual interests.

Fittney_Final Mockup


Fittney is designed for the beginner to take advantage of the gym as much as possible without gym frustration. Also, the app has the smartphone, watch and TV version which are designed for beginners who has a different lifestyle. With Fittney, I hope beginner can make good workout habit for their healthy future.

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© 2021 Haena Lee